Yoruba Cultural Values

Yoruba culture is highly regarded among its people with strong values and passed on from generation to generation.  Some of these values are as follows:


  1. Prostration: This is used as a sign of obedience, respecting elders and apologize or being remorseful.
  2. Greetings! Greeting!! Greetings!!!

Yorubas are still fond of greetings. They have specific greetings for different situations/occasions and they use it at every slight opportunity.

Eka aro –Good Morning

Eka san –Good Afternoon

Eka Ale –Good Evening

Eku ise –Well done

O da aro –Good Night

The word Heritage refer to our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, culture and believes. It is both tangible and intangible because it includes ideas, memories, contemporary activities, meanings, and behaviors that we draw from our ancestors. Our heritage included historical buildings, language, dance, recipes, believes and many other elements of our folklore that determine who we are and how we identify ourselves.

Our Basorun Fajimi Heritage is a subject of preservation with two different focus: one, the recollection, restoration and preservation of material things related with our past to be displayed and enhancing the enforcement of our history as a people, and secondly, the preservation and teaching of the intangible ancestral knowledge that our ancestors bequeathed to us with the hope of passing this to willing individuals, groups, communities and nations to learn about it and learn from it. We are trying to own the past to be entitled to speak for past generations to actively bring it to life, as the saying goes, if you do not know where you come from, you will not know where you are going – we need not an outsider write our history for us – it is ours and it must be written by us.

Our heritage can play a constructive role in the social evolution of our communities, as part of the present we live in and the future we intend to build.

Cultural heritage, social identity and collective memory are serious and useful social elements. Consequently, we are employing qualified professionals, well-educated in the history of the royalty of Yoruba, folklore in Ibadan, heritage, sociology and other, and community members with knowledge of our ancestral heritage to help us with this endeavor. On this note, efforts are already ongoing to make sure that our heritage is judiciously documented, not only to honor our forefathers, but to let it be known from whom we come from, no matter the road and paths we all choose to embark upon now and in future, we shall all remain the son & daughters of Yerombi dynasty from Ladimon house of Ilora, with a powerful warrior son “Basorun Fajimi” who reigned over this land, we call Ibadan in his own right!

Click here to read the Oriki Basorun Fajimi